Membership Categories:
Full Membership - $2,250 Any corporation or partnership with over four employees providing services for emergency environmental response, site remediation, risk assessment, contingency planning, environmental investigation, transportation and/or any related industry shall join as a Full Member in SCAA. Full Membership entitles the member to all the benefits and privileges of the Association as well as full voting rights and the eligibility to hold office in the Association.
Individual/Sole Proprietor Membership - $700 Any individual, corporation, or partnership with up to four employees, and which provides services consistent with those which would otherwise qualify under a Full Membership, shall be eligible for this class of membership. Individual Membership entitles the member to benefits and privileges of the Association with voting rights in the Association.
Government/Educational - $300 Any individual engaged in educational or governmental pursuits directly related to emergency environmental response, site remediation, risk assessment, contingency planning, environmental investigation, transportation and/or any related industry shall be eligible for Governmental / Educational Membership. Governmental / Educational Membership entitles the member to benefits and privileges of the Association with no voting rights in the Association.
International Membership - $795 Any International corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or individual who has no physical presence in terms of employees, offices or facilities located within the United States and who may be useful to support the objectives of the Association shall be eligible for membership. International membership entitles the member to all benefits and privileges of the Association and limited voting rights in the Association.
*Please note: membership categories and costs are determined by the SCAA Board of Directors and may be reviewed at the Board’s discretion.
